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Friday, 25 November 2011

To Market, To Market...

Portobello Markets are renowned in London as being very touristy, but are something that every traveller that comes through this city must do! So when Bindy came to town, there was nothing for it but another shopping trip...(Paris??? I might just be window shopping). The markets themselves sell "antiques" of all sorts but mostly it looks like junk. I did think there would be a little more in the way of vintage shops or furniture, but it was all silver tea pots and china. There are a few decent boutiques along Portobello Road, but I didn't let myself go in these...Way too dangerous! However I did set my eyes on the following prints which as you will see from the pics I purchased (at 8pounds a pop). I tried to barter down the price but the man would not budge.

Unfortunatly the prints are difficult to photograph because as it's always dark now  there is a shortage of natural light, and they are still in their plastic wrap and are therefore shiny! So imagine these are not shiny and are a lot more vibrant in real life!

(The TinTin print is more of a Gareth thing....)

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