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Sunday, 11 November 2012

Work Trip to Maine

I had the privilege of being taken to America with my nanny family...So cool! Great opportunity as I had never been to the States before. Here are a few pics...

This was a lovely cafe that served great blueberry pancakes!

My cute room :)

Shops in Boston on Newberry Street. 

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Oxford Street

Well, it's Summer sales...not that Summer has really hit London but I found myself  "needing" some summer staples...

Wednesday, 20 June 2012


I had a really nice time staying with my nanny family in Bergerac, mostly visiting wineries (which involved keeping the boys occupied) and eating and drinking!This was my room in the chateau.

Some Croatia Images

I am feeling very blessed to have had a few weeks out of London, and coming back it has made me appreciate living here more! Here are some pics that hopefully you havn't seen yet.

Monday, 7 May 2012

All Decked Out...

I can't wait for my summer holiday. It has been solidly raining for a month and I am over it! It has also been really cold, so I am counting down until some guaranteed sunshine. These pics are more of a wishlist than anything actually hopeful! All penny's are being saved!

Friday, 17 February 2012


 Hmmm wasn't sure how to link this but check this out!!!!

Sunday, 12 February 2012

Pics from Mum's visit....

Time To Catch Up!

Yikes, we are nearly half way through February, and I did keep meaning to put a few pics up...Here are some from Mum's time in London. That woman knows how to make the most of every minute!

Saturday, 14 January 2012

Some Shopping...

Right, here we go...

London shopping with Mum

 Zara dress

Zara top for Summer

Paris Flea Market

My own sheet to cover the couch!
3 tea towels, 2 little patterned bags, gift tags and I scored a picnic basket 
from my auntie to use as Gareth's bedside table :)

Trip To Shere

I should have posted these pics a while ago, but it was a pleasure looking back at these as the day felt so special and relaxing. London is a very exciting city, but can become mundane and feel like a lot of concrete! I was craving seeing some English countryside, and the whole trip there in the car was a treat in itself! Enjoy these pictures, and appreciate the fact that it was a very lazy Sunday filled with laughs, good food and chill time :)

I'm pretty sure this was the shot where Cameron Diaz pulls up with the mini...although there would have been snow!

Such a cute gift shop!

While doing our research about where to go we found that "Shere is known for it's river and it's ducks".... We found both very pleasant! Great walking around the tiny and quaint lanes.

This was a day to remember!